Sunday, June 21, 2009

All Better

I am finally feeling better, and have taken up some new hobbies! They include, but are not limited to: climbing the curtains, ambush leg attacks, waking up at 3am, and playing in the litter box. I have included some pictures, enjoy!

Sleepy but not ready to stop playing

Large orange vase exploration

slowly moving to the lower couch


Motor Home Cats said...

You do look better. You really look like you are enjoying your home. Those all look like fun things to play in and on.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Everycat said...

So glad you are feeling better Olaf. We particularly like the picture of you dripping off the back of the sofa.

What a good little cat you are!

W. Wuudler esq

Poppy Q said...

Yipppe we are glad to hear you feel better wee Olaf.

Now to kitten training. My mum would only let me sleep on her bed if I stayed quiet, and didn't get up. If I got up she would take me to the lounge and put me in my kitten igloo that had a hottie under it and was nice and cosy. Now 3 years later, I go to bed and don't play around. I just settle down and sleep 8pm - 7am.

We hope you get plenty of snooze time!!

Love the picture of you in the orange bowl!

Debra Taylor said...

Wow what a great recovery for Olaf. You are to be commended for such dedication to this caretaking.

Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.
Would you add me to your blog list?

Thanks, Debby

Anonymous said...

Wow!.. what a great recovery for Olaf. You really look like you are enjoying your home. Those all look like fun things to play in and on.

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Andrea Hopkins said...

the blog looks like it's written by a cat...a bit creepy but i find it cool...